Mag. Mandana Magharai
Career Coach & Business Mentor

professional career

Professional background:
Since 2019: Career Coach
Since 09/2017 - today: Senior Talent Management specialist at Erste Group Bank AG
03/2017 - 08/2015: HR specialist at WOLF THEISS, Attorneys at Law
01/2008 - 02/2014: HR Consultant in the global HR department of SAP: Focus on learning and talent management, performance management, career and development planning
Degree in Psychology, University of Vienna
Psychological Coaching ( Dynamic Balancing Consulting - Dr. Vera Popper)
Labor Law ( BFI )
Trainer training (Bildungsforum Institut Dr. Rampitsch)
As a business psychologist, I have been working in Human Resources departments of international business companies for over 13 years.
I am a personnel developer, coach, industrial psychologist and trainer and I love helping people writing their CV, prepare for a job interview or advise on how and where to apply.
In my coaching work, I support my clients in finding out what they want professionally and in giving them the energy and motivation they need.
I pass on my positive, humorous charisma and my energy to my clients in motivating conversations and support them in developing themselves and in knowing and using their own resources.
I offer coaching in German or English.